The deliverables for this client are highly related to the trainer’s personal way of working – focused on experiences as relevant as possible for the class participant, on point and targeting face to face interaction.
To capture the essence for the logo, the icons and the website, I had in mind Mihai’s vision on training which is that of a noble profession that comes with instant gratification and reward through the obtained results.
- More Than Business
- Logo design
- Business card design
- Website design
- Training icons design
Logo Design &
Elegance is the way to go..
A good design that reaches its purpose doesn’t get in the way; rather than that it draws out the brand’s complex nature and turns it into something that is simple and makes sense.
Having in mind that the logo gives the first impression and can impact the customer’s perception of a brand, I opted for an elegant logo, designed in blue that suggests professionalism and trust.
Featured images
Everything for me is visual..
The images were designed in a minimalist way and are related to the courses that Mihai offers to his clients: conflict management, time management, creativity and innovation, training for trainers, communication skills, selling skills, motivation and self-motivation, presentation skills, changing management.
The featured images aim to attract viewers and to guide them to the purpose of the website – the segmentation of the visitors, depending on their interest degree.
Custom-made sets the trend…
The website is mostly based on custom digital illustrations. They effectively support the quick perception of the information on the page or screen and more than that, they set solid ground for originality. Using this images helps to boost usability and intuitive navigation.