Creating the Visual Identity

For this project, the client wanted a visual identity that conveys the connection between nature and technology, as well as the commitment to preparing people for the future by creatively responding to future social, technological, and economic changes.

In addition to the logo, I also designed the business cards and the website, ensuring that all visual elements are coherent and reflect the organization’s values. Each deliverable was designed to convey the vision of the Association for Future Communities.


  • Asociația Comunitățile Viitorului


  • Logo design
  • Business card design
  • Website design

Logo Design &


After the creative process of research and design, I proposed three logo variants, each trying to reflect the connection between people, nature, technology, and the commitment to the future. In one of the variants, I integrated a leaf into a fingerprint, symbolizing the fusion of nature and technology. In another variant, I represented the connection between people, nature, and technology through a heart-shaped outline, with one half being a leaf and the other half representing an electric circuit.

The design of the third variant represents a road to the future, highlighting the direction of development and progress of the association. For a board of five members, the choice was difficult because all variants were highly appreciated. They chose the variant with the road to a better future, alongside the Future Communities. This futuristic and minimalist logo perfectly reflects the idea of unity and the future.

Business card design

I created this design to reflect the values and mission of the Association for Future Communities. Inspired by the design of digital applications, I wanted the business card to suggest a digital format even when printed, harmonizing with the organization’s values: technology and the future.

I added subtle icons to highlight the main values: technology, nature, community, and people, thus contributing to a unified and professional visual appearance that reflects the mission of preparing communities for the future.

Web design

For the Association for Future Communities website, I created a clean and intuitive design that facilitates quick access to information and significantly enhances user interaction.

Visitors can quickly and efficiently find the necessary information, get involved through volunteering or donations, all in an easy and accessible way.